Friday, January 25, 2013

Stoicism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stoicism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stoicism [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

Stoicism [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

Stoicism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Stoicism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Stoicism and I

I incorporate stoicism into my covenant morality for humanity- the presumption  of humanism. We need to learn to  control our passions positively, not to overdo them as Aristotle's golden mean would maintain.
 This gnu atheists notes agreement with those Christians and others who also embrace stoicism.
For me, it requires that one all practice Epicureanism- long-range hedonism as opposed to Aristipuss" short-range eat, derink and be merry, its opponent which others make into a strawman against all hedonism.
   Happiness includes pleasue, which can be passion for ideas and other non-Aristippus matters.
     I have to practice the  virtue of patience with my Dell computer and site jams. I passionately seek to enlighten others about naturalism.
        How do you practice stoicism?